Birthday Of

Putra Angelina

Minggu, 31 Desember 2025

May Every day of your life bring glory to the name of Jesus. I pray that you continue to live in the light oh his gospel.

Putri Angelina

Putri Pertama dari
Bapak Lorem Dan Ibu Ipsum

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“Age is just a number, the most important thing is maturity and wisdom as you get older

The birthday party will be held on :

Birthad Party

Minggu, 31 Desember 2025

Pukul: 08.00 pm To Finish

Jl. Taman Kebon Sirih 1 No. 3-4, Jakarta Pusat


Best Moment

Dear You

I’m really sorry that I didn’t give you enough time to heal, that there were days smiling hurt but you forced yourself to laugh, that you gave all of your time and effort to people more than to you, that can’t fully trust to people, and that were nights when you cried yourself to sleep and no one bothered to understand why. Thank you for being stonger than I thought, for how many battles you fought silently, how you had to humble yourself, wipe your own tears and pat yourself on the back, how you stood back up even when there was no hand to pull you back up, how you pulled through even when you thought you couldn’t. Trust me, the past doesn’t define you and your future. Just rewrite your story and begin again. It doesn’t mean you should forget the past, its means like you learn to accept it and moving forward.

I know you’ve been hard on yourself for everything. As the days, you find that your purpose becomes more complicated like, “What am I supposed to do?”, “What am I supposed to be?”, “is this the right path for me?” So many questions fill your mind, and you still never get the answers. Just listening and trust to your intuition. And remember that you don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to be. For next, I wish you can more love, respect, admire, forgive, accept yourself, and being more stronger than before. Let’s just be who you really are. Make your soul happiest than before.

Almighty Allah, from the bottom of my heart. I say sorry and thank you for always blessing me with beautiful year and person.

I’m sorry that I didn’t love you like you deserve to be loved, a very Happy Birthday to You.

From the person who will, still, and forever always believe in you,
— Me.

Birthday Gift

Your prayers are a very meaningful gift to me. And if giving is an expression of your love, you can give cashless gifts.​




Berikan ucapan harapan dan do’a

Thank You

I have nothing to express besides sincere gratitude from my heart when Family and Friends are willing to attend my birthday party <3

Putra Angelina

Designed with ❤ by

Happy Birthday
Reysha Natasha Putri
Dear all my beloved Family and Friends
Hereabouts to invite all Family and Friends to celebrate my sweet 24 memorable party!
I apologized if there is any misspelling of name or title